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How to Adopt an Indian Street Dog

Jun 18, 2023
Pet Adoption
How to Adopt an Indian Street Dog

Step 1: Make sure you’re ready for the commitment

A good pet parent is a responsible one. Once you’ve adopted a dog, you are responsible for their well-being. That means taking time out every day to feed, train, exercise and groom them. You will need to take them to the vet when they’re unwell, and also for routine health check-ups, deworming and parasite control procedures. If you live with your family, every member should be aligned about your decision to adopt. And most importantly, it should also be feasible for you financially.

Step 2: Look out for shelters nearby

Stray dogs are a common sight in neighbourhoods across India. You’ve probably crossed paths or even made friends with a few in your vicinity. While you may be tempted to pick a stray dog off the streets, we’d recommend reaching out to a shelter instead. This is because strays that live in communities (particularly gated societies) are often fed and well cared for by animal lovers residing there. So if you choose to adopt this way, make sure to ask the animal lovers in your community if the dog is being cared for, and seek permission from them before you take your furry friend home. If not, make trips to local shelters to meet your potential pet. You could check here for our city-wise list of animal shelters.

Step 3: Spend time with the dogs

An important part of the process is to spend time with the dogs at the shelter to try and establish a friendship. One way to do this is with treats. If you find yourself particularly drawn to a pooch, offer a treat to them and step back. Do this multiple times over a few days until you find the dog approaching the feeding spot on their own. This is when you’ll know you have gained their trust and established a bond with them.

Step 4: Assess the dog you’ve chosen

Assess the dog’s temperament and behaviour with other humans and pets alike. The volunteers will also be able to share their observations. Check if they have been vaccinated and ask about their medical history—be it vaccination certificates, details of medical procedures like sterilization and medical records of past illnesses, injuries or traumas.

Step 5: Complete the adoption formalities

Each shelter will have their own adoption procedure. However, you can expect to submit an adoption form with your details along with a few essential documents for proof of your identity and address. They might also ask a few questions (background check) and offer advice (counselling) on how to look after your new pet.

Step 6: Give your new family member a warm welcome

Make sure your house is prepped with food and water bowls, dog food, a leash and ID tag, a grooming brush and a comfortable bed. You should make a few changes like tucking away loose cables, keeping footwear in a shoe cabinet, securing the dustbin with a lid and keeping medicines, soaps, detergents as well as choking hazards out of reach to ensure the space is dog-friendly. Also, a visit to the vet is absolutely essential within the first few days of your pet being home. Other than that, give your pooch time to adjust to their new family and environment. It can take a few weeks or even a few months, so be patient and shower them with all your love.

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